Short Bio
My name is Ritvik Vasan, I am a machine learning scientist at the Allen Institute for Cell Science. I obtained my PhD in biophysics from the Laboratory for Computational Cellular Mechanobiology at the University of California, San Diego, advised by Prof. Padmini Rangamani. I like to use both data-driven modeling and theory-based bottom-up modeling to solve complex problems. Here are press releases in - and related to one of my data-driven projects. I like open source tools. Checkout my github to see all the things that I've worked on. My most recent tool is a framework for modular and configureable 2D and 3D image to image deep learning transformations. I used this tool to benchmark geometry-aware equivariant point cloud autoencoders for interpretable representation learning of sparse 3D intraceullar structures.
Before my PhD, I obtained a B.S. degree in the Mechanical Engineering department at BITS Pilani, India in 2015. My undergraduate thesis was on implementing a low cost cellphone microscope for malaria diagnosis.
More about me
I am a big soccer fan, competitive squash player, recreational guitarist, carnatic music singer (by training), learning salsa dancer, long distance runner, constant coffee-drinker and occasional hiker. Here's a picture of me at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park in July 2019!
![Recent picture of me at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park](cuyamaca.jpg)
Equivariant point cloud representation learning paper is published on bioRxiv.
Nuclear growth analysis paper is published on bioRxiv.
Presented equivariant point cloud representation learning work at Broad Institute MIT 2023, American Society for Cell Biology 2023, Biophysical Society 2024.
hIPSc variance paper is published in Nature.
Follow up actin self organization paper is accepted to Developmental Cell.
3D membrane bending paper is accepted to Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
Actin self organization paper is accepted to eLife.
Machine learning perspective is accepted to Frontiers in Physics.
Neck paper is accepted by Soft Matter.
DLITE paper is accepted by Biophysical Journal.
Completed internship at the Allen Institute for Cell Science, supervised by Dr. Gregory Johnson.
Chair of cell mechanics, mechanosensing and motility subgroup at Biophysical Society 2019.
Presented a talk at Biophysical Society 2019.
Presented a poster at American Society for Cell Biology 2018.
Completed internship at the Allen Institute for Cell Science, supervised by Dr. C. Dave Williams.
Traction paper is accepted by Molecular Biology of the Cell.